aksu red dates

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  • protected range:
    the scope of protection of aksu red jujube gi products is based on the scope of the “regulations on the scope of geographical protection of aksu red date geographical indications” issued by the administrative office of aksu prefecture of xinjiang uygur autonomous region (adb issued [2007] no. 175), which is the xinjiang uygur the eight administrative districts of aksu, alar, kuche, xinhe, shaya, wensu, awati, and luanping in the akesu region of the autonomous region are under administrative jurisdiction.
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the aksu red jujube base is located at the source of the tarim river at the intersection of the aksu river, the hetian river and the yeer river. the ecological environment is absolutely non-polluting, with a slightly dry climate, which is not suitable for the growth of pests and diseases. the growth of jujube does not require chemical fertilizer, and it is formed by the atomization of the tianshan ice and snow. the rain dew moisturizing and the tianshan snow water are watered, rich in oxygen ions in the water, with sufficient sunshine and day and night temperature difference, so that the red dates cultivated are large, thin, fleshy, dense, and sweet. the color is bright, the sugar content is high, the sweetness is sweet, the nutrition is better, the taste is better, and the quality of green, organic, healthy and nutritious aksu red dates is created.

aksu red dates quality technical requirements (a) varieties. jun jujube, gray jujube. (2) site conditions. the cultivated soil, sandy loam soil and sandy soil with higher fertility and lighter texture are selected as the cultivated soil. the thickness of the soil layer is required to be more than 1.5 meters, the permeability is good, the ph value is between 5.5 and 8.4, and the total salt content is less than 0.25%. the position is less than 2 meters, the surface organic matter content is ≥0.5%, no pollution, and there are irrigation conditions. (3) cultivation management. 1. seedling cultivation: the seedlings are cultivated by grafting and breeding, and grafted and propagated seedlings are used for garden construction. 2. planting density: planting density is determined by soil condition and variety traits, ≤111 per 667m2 (mu). 3. fertilization: the base fertilizer is mainly applied to the fully decomposed farmyard manure. it is applied once every year before and after deciduous to the next year. the compound fertilizer is applied in the growing season, and the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are properly matched, and the fertilization method and fertilization are mastered. volume and fertilization time. 4. irrigation: 4 to 8 times a year, depending on the soil moisture irrigation, mainly based on drip irrigation, flooding and string irrigation are strictly prohibited to prevent water accumulation. 5. plastic pruning: mainly small crown sparse layer shape, uniaxial main trunk tree shape, winter pruning combined with summer pruning, mainly summer shearing, and timely picking of jujube head, secondary branch and woody jujube. the basic requirement of plastic trimming is to keep the tree body ventilated and well-transparent, the branch group configuration is reasonable, and the branches are evenly distributed. 6. measures to increase the fruit set rate: increase the fruit set rate by spraying water during the flowering period, picking the heart of the jujube and strengthening the tree in adulthood. 7. environmental and safety requirements: the use of pesticides, fertilizers, etc. must comply with relevant national regulations and must not pollute the environment. (4) harvesting. it is harvested during the ripening period when the fruit is red, soft, and reduced in moisture. (5) drying. after harvesting, the jujube is naturally air-dried and dried according to climatic conditions. (6) quality characteristics. 1. sensory characteristics: (1) ash jujube: oblong, dark red, shiny, light-grained, dry flesh, full, elastic, hands are not sticky. (2) jun jujube: cylindrical or long inverted oval, dark red, shiny skin, dried flesh, full, hands are not sticky. 2. physical and chemical indicators: (1) gray jujube: impurities not more than 0.5%, single fruit weight not less than 5 grams, fruit longitudinal diameter ≥ 2.7 cm, sugar content ≥ 76% (measured part of dry matter), dry rate ≥55%, the edible rate is not less than 96%. (2) junzao: the impurity does not exceed 0.5%, the weight of single fruit is not less than 10 grams, the longitudinal diameter of the fruit is ≥3.2 cm, the sugar content is ≥75% (measured as dry matter), and the drying rate is ≥50%. the food rate is not less than 95%. 3. safety requirements: product safety indicators must meet the relevant regulations of the state for similar products.

apply to:
producers within the scope of protection of aksu red dates gi products may apply to the quality and technical supervision bureau of aksu prefecture of xinjiang uygur autonomous region for the use of “special marks for geographical indication products”, which are approved by the general administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine.