top 10 chinese food in heilongjiang【】-凯发国际首页

heilongjiang food

the pig-killing dish was originally a kind of stew that was eaten in the northeastern rural areas when it was close to the annual killing of pigs. it is also a folk representative dish of hazelnuts, which is popular in heilongjiang, jilin and liaoning in northeast china. while maintaining the original flavor, the “killing pig dish” has been improved in its production method and rich in flavor, and almost all parts of the pig have been made into vegetables. pork bone, head meat, shredded meat, pork belly, pig blood sausage, sauerkraut white meat and "lantern hanging (full set of pigs)". it is conceivable that in the cold weather and the depression of everything, the killing of pigs and vegetables is full of fragrance, and friends and family are sitting around on the enthusiasm. while the family often eats and kills pigs, eats large pieces of meat, drinks in large bowls, that the strong nostalgia will make you feel the hospitality and enthusiasm of the northerners.

during the qianlong period of the qing dynasty, the hezhe people of the hustle and bustle captured a weird big fish for the emperor. if the civil and military officials can't name the big fish, ask the emperor to give his name. qianlong thought about it. from now on, it is a royal tribute. every year, it is a tribute. the big fish king who tributes to the royal family is called squid. the fish of the squid is delicious, the bones are crisp and fragrant, and there is almost no waste in the whole body. the stomach, lips, bones, sputum and seeds are the best raw materials for cooking famous dishes. according to the institute of oceanology of the chinese academy of sciences, the muscles of the carp contain eight essential amino acids, which can soften the heart and brain blood vessels, improve iq, and prevent senile dementia; cartilage and bone marrow can also fight cancer.

sixi meatballs and braised lion heads (slightly larger meatballs) are the more common banquet dishes in heilongjiang. the pork ribs of the fat and thin skin are made into pomegranate grains and then made into meatballs. the fat on the surface is generally dissolved but not completely dissolved. the lean meat is relatively convex, giving a feeling of rough hair. because the meat is large and the surface is rough, it is called the "lion head".

heilongjiang onion sea cucumber, selected from the wild sea cucumbers of russia for about 6 years in the high latitude sea, has better quality, better taste and better meat quality. paired with it, it is local green onions, crisp and delicious. the perfect combination of the two makes the finished green onion sea cucumber soft and elastic, and the onion is rich.

the yichun forest pig is called the bear paw by the locals not only because it is delicious, but also because it is the raw material of the "xi xiong" dish. first, the cooked pig's tendon is removed for use, and then the cooked pig skin is repaired and laid in the bear's paw mold. immediately fill in the pig's skin with the pig's tendon and shredded pork, and pour the pig's skin glue. after it cools and solidifies, it becomes a "bear paw" that is alive and detached.

oyster mushroom is a fungus of white mushroom family. it is named after it grows under the eucalyptus tree. wild oyster mushroom is one of the unique mountain treasures in northeastern china, and it is one of the few edible fungi that cannot be artificially cultivated. oyster mushroom stewed chicken is an indispensable traditional dish for northeastern people to entertain guests. oyster mushroom contains a variety of essential amino acids and vitamins. it can be used to strengthen the body's immunity, puzzle happiness, nourishment, and youth. effect. it is made by stewing with dried mushrooms, chicken and vermicelli. the mushroom of stewed chicken is best to use wild oyster mushroom, the kind of small thin umbrella, the more stewed and fragrant, the oyster mushroom can bring out the delicious flavor of chicken to the greatest extent, and the veritable mountain wild game.

the mandarin fish, also known as squid, is used in the northeast to call it 鳌花, which is one of the specialties of the songhua river. roasted milk sauce is a representative of the milk in the russian-style large dish of harbin. it is also one of the most expensive dishes in the russian-style western restaurant in harbin. there are two ways to roast cinnamon in a milk sauce. one is to use whole fish, the whole fish is placed on a baking sheet, and the oven is used; the other is only using cinnamon fish. the mandarin fish and the semi-solidified milk juice collide with a smooth, sweet and tender taste. the entrance to the mashed potatoes is instant, and the milk has a slightly viscous aroma. when you arrive in suzhou, you must eat the squirrel fish from songhe tower, and go to huizhou. you must eat stinky squid. in harbin, the squid in roast milk is also a must-eat food.

the yichun forest pig is called the bear paw by the locals not only because it is delicious, but also because it is the raw material of the "xi xiong" dish. first, the cooked pig's tendon is removed for use, and then the cooked pig skin is repaired and laid in the bear's paw mold. immediately fill in the pig's skin with the pig's tendon and shredded pork, and pour the pig's skin glue. after it cools and solidifies, it becomes a "bear paw" that is alive and detached.

the steamed meat of hericium erinaceus is a dish made by cooking together with hericium erinaceus and pork. the taste of hericium erinaceus is smooth and very chewy. the steamed meat has a strong meat flavor and is especially irritating. the appetite of a person can smell this special aroma even if it is far away, and it is very good for the human body. hericium can help the injured lice and throat recover, the texture is crisp and tender, the taste is very delicious, the taste approximate lean meat, known as the stomach and the mountains, so it is deeply loved by people.
